
looking back on 2006

About You...

How old were you in 2006?:29
What was the most important thing you discovered in 2006?:smug girlfriends are worse than smug marrieds
What will you always remember about 2006?:the trips

In 2006 did you...

Keep your New Years resolution?:never made any
Go on a holiday?:oh yes i did!
Change jobs?:nope
Buy anything from eBay?:no, but i checked it out a few times.
Prank call someone?:i don't do that stuff.
Get drunk?:yes, but not drunk, drunk...if you know what i mean.
Get high?:no
Fall in love?:with nicolas (adriana's dog)...yes!
Break up with someone?:nope
Get married?:what? and give up my precious sleep hours?
Get divorced?:no
Stop speaking to someone?:hell yeah!
Kiss someone?:yes
Kiss someone whose name you can�t remember?:no
Make a new friend?:yes
Do anything embarrassing?:a few times and trying my best not to remember them.
Do something that you thought that you would never do?:yeah, that 9 mile kayak that i thought was the death of me.
Do something you have always wanted to do?:yes, and that is to travel more.
Do anything that you regret?:never regreted anything i've done.
Do anything illegal?:is jaywalking illegal?
Break a promise?:there were times...
Lose something?:i do tend to lose my mind sometimes.
Go crazy?:you bet.

Best of 2006...

Movie:borat... great success!
TV Show:grey's anatomy
Song:there were just too many
Album:nothing in particular
Thing you bought:the clothes
Memory:memories of the cruise

Worst of 2006...

Movie:the omen
TV Show:reality talent shows
Song:anything hip hop
Album:can't say
Hangover:for some reason, i don't get a hang-over

About 2007...

What do you want in 2007?:happiness and contentment
Is there anything you would do differently in 2007?:i guess i'll just take it one day at a time.
Do you think it will be a good year?:i'm hoping
What do you look forward to most about 2007?:vacations... anything that would keep me away from work!
Do you have a New Years resolution?:nope, i never get to keep them anyway.

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Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Nerie!

Great list... good you finished the kayak... I could never do that. :)

Hope you have a lot of travels in 2007 because it seems you really enjoy that!

nerie said...


happy new year to you too! i hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you...

and yeah, travels.... more travels!