
on nudity and politics

i went to nyc with my friends last night to see daniel radcliffe in the nude. yes, just another one of those things we had checked off our bucket list (he he he).

so we were lulled to sleep during the first act, which isn't really hard to achieve being that we came from a previous 12 hour shift the night before. but boy did we woke up midway through the second half because the naked scene was way better than a shot of espresso. it was still hard to not think of daniel radcliffe as the harry potter boy who rode firebolts and replace that image with alan strang who orgasmed while riding a horse.

anyways, while walking through times square going back to the parking lot, we were talking about highly important stuff like the just released high school musical 3 and debating wether which shocked disney more, miley cyrus' topless pictures for vanity fair or vanessa hudgen's naked picture scandal? i'm telling you, at a time when america is faced with a choice between mccain and obama, we discuss things like this.

speaking of politics, this heard from a guy in times square:

"anybody wants mccain, obama and palin condoms?! mccain, obama and palin condoms...get it here! because either way, you're screwed!"

funny right? so i asked dennis to go ask the guy if he's giving it away for free and get me one of each (i wonder if he also has a biden variety?) turns out, it's for sale. for how much, he didn't even bothered to ask.

so here's hoping that americans will go out and vote on tuesday, and that they will choose someone who will not screw us over.